
Showing posts from August, 2020

Table Mountain (South Africa) - Dutch Formosa - Portuguese stuffed cabbages

  I recently did 'Table Mountain' (a dreamy, feminine feel as it turns out) in an evening painting class and came across something else worth noting.  'Table Mountain' ( Tafelberg)  South Africa was named in 1503 by  a Portuguese navigator   António de Saldanha, the first European to land in Table Bay. 'Table Mountain' (Taffelberch) Taiwan   - In 1634, Dutch were confronted by Taccariangh (strong, tall aborigines in the south of a Kaohsiung port near 'de Tafel')  Tafel Bergh  Source "From Whale Bone (Walvis Been) to Table Mountain (Taffelberch): the place naming of the Dutch on the landscapes of the seventeenth-century Taiwan"  Peter Kang, Dong Hwa University. 'Mount Jade' (Yushan), previously known in English 'Mount Morrison'. (Mt Morrison mentioned in 1899 San Francisco Call) Source  Eine Reise in das Innere der Insel Formosa und die erste Besteigung des Niitakayama (Mount Morrison)  von  Karl Theodor Stöpel...