Instant Noodles Pre-1945 Taiwan
Tateishi Tetsuomi (1905-1980) 佐榮寫真館 Recent conversations with 王佐榮 (a cultural historian and prolific writer of in particular Taiwan under Japanese Rule 1895-1945) allow me to confirm there are (at least) two types of instant noodles made and served in Taiwan as early as between 1910 and 1930. Both 雞絲 麵 Jī-sī mī and 鍋燒 意麵 Guō shāo ì-mī, in my opinion, indicate strong Japanese impact. ‘These are NOT 小吃 xiaochi but 點心 tiám-sim (Holo) / deem ^ sim (Hakka) as the former is traditionally under Chinese street food and when these noodles were made and enjoyed in Taiwan there was no such known Chinese Xiaochi’ - 王 specifically pointed out on 【 有圖有真相】古早台北的美食聖地! 雞絲 麵 Jī-sī mī (Shredded-chicken-breast-flavor noodle) 立石鐵臣 Tateishi Tetsuomi in his illustrated explanations : 廣萬昌 a shop/manufacture...