One Hundred Notable People in Taiwan's Medical Field 台灣醫界人物百人傳 (LIST)
許武勇 Hsu Wu-yung (101) The Diary of Ye Shengji 葉盛吉日記 (55) Dr David Landsborough III (4) and left 顏春輝's (65) father 顏振聲 . Tainan. 台灣醫界人物百人傳 One Hundred Notable People in Taiwan's Medical Field 陳永興 Chen Yung-hsing (Author) 玉山社出版 Taiwan Interminds Publishing Inc 2021/03/01 杜聰明 Tu Tsung-ming (cover, page 87, list 21) ISBN 9789862942703 With author Dr Chen Yung-hsing consent and encouragement, I translated the list of 108 notable people in Taiwan's Medical Field. Note: Only the list is true to original of the book. Other content (supplied links and additions) represent my own work only. (Additions: vintage photos links on the last page.) CHAPTER ONE 醫療傳道與人道醫療 Medical evangelism and humanitarian medicine (17) 1. James Laidlaw Maxwell 馬雅各 (1836-1921) A Pioneer Medical Missionary 2. Sir Patrick Manson 萬巴德 (1844-1922) British parasitologist who founded the field of tropica...